economyGREEN is a new idea from RenSMART . Inspired by economy7
, it gives you the information you need
to use electricity when it is being generated from the greenest sources, helping you to reduce CO2 emmissions due to electricity generation.
The forecast is taken from data published by the Balancing Mechanism Reporting Service (BMRS)
that supports electricity trading in the UK.
The economyGREEN clock has a 24 hour dial to show you a full days inromtation at once, combining time and the renewable energy forecast in a simple to read format.
Around the the outside of the dial are bar graphs of the percentage of electricity that is forecast to be from renewable sources in the given hour. Each bar is 10%.
By choosing to run your dishwasher, washing machine or tumbledrier when the percentage of renewable electricity is at its maximum, you can help reduce the amount of electricity that is generated from non-renewable sources.
The clock face combines the hands of an analog clock with the simplicity of a text display of the current date and time.
The forecast is updated each day at midnight. Hours that are past are marked with a darker bar graph than future hours. The current hour is marked with a brighter bar graph.