Quick Solar Project
Estimated Cost {{estimatedInstallationCost}}
Year |
Accumulated Income  |
Accumulated Value  |
Accumulated Generation (kWh)  |
Accumulated CO2 Saving (kg)  |
{{row.year}} |
{{row.accumulatedIncome_VIEW}} |
{{row.accumulatedValue_VIEW}} |
{{row.accumulatedGeneratedKWH_VIEW}} |
{{row.accumulatedCO2Saving_VIEW}} |
This calculator makes a number of assumptions about your solar installation such as roof angle, which way the roof is facing and how much electricity you use.
- The angle of the panels is taken to be 45 degrees to the vertical.
- The panels are assumed to be facing due south.
- The panel efficiency is taken to be {{solarPanelEfficiency}}% which is average for current framed solar panel technology.
- We are using a starting value of electricity import tarfiff at {{importTariff}}p / kWh with the cost rising above the rate of inflation based on historical increase rates.
To get a better estimate, use the full planner application here.
Accumulated Income
The income to date from Feed In Tariff payments.
Accumulated Value
The income to date from Feed In Tariff payments plus the value of the electricity used at the location.
The ammount of electricity used at the property is taken as half of that generated as this is the calculation used to calculate Feed In Tariff payments.
Accumulated Generation
The total electricity generated in kWh.
Accumulated CO2 Saving
The reduction in CO2 emissions based on the current grid carbon intensity compared with solar PV carbon intensity.
Solar PV carbon intensity is taken as the CO2 released during its manufacture shared over its lifetime.
Choose a start date (past or future) and we will endvour to provide a financial projection based on the tariffs and rates available during that period.
The project name will be used at a future date to allow you to save your project.
Solar Panel
Enter a width, height or kWh installation size and wait a couple of seconds.
We will adjust the other values to match your request and provide an estimate based on installation size and installation year.