We have been investigating the idea that the amount of CO2 released into the atmosphere due to electricity generation could be reduced by changing the time we use electricity. To make this possible, we would need a forecast of our electricity's carbon intensity* throughout the day. With this information, it would be possible to change our behaviour and run washing machines, tumble driers or storage heaters when the carbon intensity is at its lowest.
The name economyGREEN is inspired by economy7. economy7 was introduced in the late 70s to incentivize people to use off peak electricity (during the night). economyGREEN does not offer a monetary incentive, but does enable people to use as green electricity as is possible from the UK grid.
The first step was to find a source of forecast information and after some searching, we have found that a forecast of generation required, solar generation and wind generation is produced by the Balancing Mechanism Reporting Service (BMRS). RenSMART now provides a view of this forecast we also have a live view of current carbon emissions from electricity generation
The second step was to make this information easy to act on. To achieve this I have designed a 24 hour clock web app that gives a days forecast view.
Another element that is nearly ready for publication, is a personal forecast for those with micro solar or wind installations. We have been trialling it for a year with good results.
Below are the economyGREEN clocks for each of the countries we currently cover.
All except the United Kingdom are experimental at the moment