The Renewable Energy Information Source

Welcome to RenSMART

Try our Quick Solar Project web app.

As a RenSMART member, once you have created a project using the Quick Solar Project web app, you can save it. If you have not done so already, register as a member here. Its free and you get access to a range of other RenSMART features.

Once saved, from the home page, you can request daily forecast emails by selecting the option from the drop down next to your project.

Renewable Energy Maps

RenSMART was set up to promote actions to mitigate accelerated climate change due to human factors. RenSMART will help visitors to its web site by finding, analysing and supporting these activities and supplying traceable information to help decision makers implement these actions.

All information supplied by RenSMART will be provided with links or references allowing the information to be traced back to its original source. Wherever possible, this source will be as close to the primary source as possible. Often, where this information is on web sites that are prone to changes, the source documents will be stored by RenSMART in our document library.

RenSMART is funded by charging a small service fee for the use of some of its tools that make this information more convenient for those making a profit from installing, supplying or consulting while making use of our information.

RenSMART is also actively developing technology that supports our areas of interest which will then be made available for resale or production by third parties.

RenSMART has developed a renewable energy estimation model. The model references several publicly available and (highly regarded) renewable energy databases that give estimated renewable energy resources for locations covering the whole of the UK.

We combine this information with information on the energy you use, how you use it througout the day and year, and the type of renewable energy technology you are considering.

Our model has been developed in such a way that the accuracy of the estimate can be improved by including personalised information about your location but can also be used with average information taken from leading energy use profiles.

RenSMART Limited was founded in 2008. RenSMART is a trading name of Ltd., a UK registered limited company.
Company Registration Number 04024542
VAT Registration Number GB760125460
Company Registered Address 

1 Breach Farm Cottages, St Mary Bourne, SP11 6DH

  Nicholas Cross

 Nicholas has over 20 years experience in the IT industry.
 Having started his career with IBM developing factory control and monitoring systems,
 he moved on to work on leading internet applications for the finance industry,
 retail and government as a freelance consultant and developer.
 Nicholas has solar panels installed on his home in Hampshire and his holiday let in Norfolk.



Rafe Staples


Rafe is a Chartered Surveyor and has been in private practice for more than 20 years.
 He is owner of Chartered Surveyors Powis Hughes & Associates  based near Newbury and advises a number of specialist clients including Data Centre Operators,
 Co-Lo operators, The Crown Estate and several Government Agencies and Departments.
 Rafe has a small wind turbine and solar panels installed at his offices in the Berkshire Downs and solar panels installed on his home.
